
Those interested should complete the application form in one of the following ways:
• Course - "The new local government", on-line enrolment form, deadline - 25th September;
• Course - "Building an administrative programme through involvement of citizens and the generation of consensus", on-line enrolment form, deadline, 22nd October;
• Course - "Assessment of public administration personnel in terms of performance, knowledge, management and development of human capital", on-line enrolment form, deadline, 1st November;
• Course "Methods of managing IT projects", on-line enrolment form, deadline, 28th November.
Proof of payment of enrolment fees should be sent to or via fax on 02
Participation fees may be paid via:
1 - Post Office current account no. 15652209 made payable to: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Largo A. Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milan, specifying the name of the participant and the title of the course as reference for the payment;
2 - Bank transfer: Banca Intesa Infrastrutture e Sviluppo S.p.A., acc. no. 211610000191; ABI code no. 03309; CAB code no. 03200; CIN B code; IBAN: IT 95 B 03309 03200 211610000191, made payable to: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, specifying the name of the participant and the title of the course as reference for the payment.