
Impact Entrepreneurship

From CSR to entrepreneurship: the path to sustainable development

In the last decade the link between economic activity and the enhancement of social and environmental conditions has been the subject of numerous researches and debates, both in the academic environment and among policy makers.

Events and global issues yet to be solved, such as the financial crisis, increasing poverty and climate change have brought academics and professionals to ask themselves how the economic activity can contribute to an integral development of society.

In order to favour a “responsible” entrepreneurship, attentive to the social and environmental impact of its activity, ALTIS investigates and promotes factors, tools and modalities to support those entrepreneurs who want to simultaneously generate economic, social and environmental value and be the leaders of a comprehensive development. we call them, impact entrepreneurs.


SMEs: an Italian competitiveness and territory development narrative

SMEs represent Italy's economic pillars. They are able to maintain a very high level of production standard and to remain competitive, in some cases also internationally.

In order to contribute to the competitiveness and development of this fundamental heritage, in ALTIS we conduct tailored research and support SMEs in the execution of targeted actions, in line with the specific life cycle stage the enterprise is facing, by adopting differentiated approaches for recently established vs consolidated SMEs into their second, third or even further generation.

We work on core themes for SMEs such as: internationalization, subscription to enterprise networks, management of strategic and organizational development paths, creation of managerial roles within the enterprise, innovation, sustainability strategies, design of the relationship between the company and the owning family and, more in general, support to the development strategies to favour enterprise continuity and success.

In addition, our team of researchers and consultants works to make the Italian model a landmark for other countries around the world. In emerging and developing countries, we set up and implement local development projects based on SMEs, by transferring competencies to local public and private authorities that provide services in support of micro, small and individual enterprises.

We conduct supervision and capacity building activities for the development of clusters, districts and networks of SMEs.

We also support (for example in agribusiness supply chains) cooperative forms of agreement among SMEs so as to find ways of bringing together small entrepreneurs, giving value to their productions, and improving their competitive positioning on markets.

Finally, we work side by side with companies by preparing entrepreneurs to face a crucial moment such as that of the generational change, with the aim to transform a delicate transition into an opportunity for the company’s revamp and growth.