At a glance

Entrepreneurship and management for sustainable development


ALTIS Graduate School of Sustainable Management, founded in 2005, is the Alta Scuola of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore dedicated to promoting sustainability in the management of companies and organizations and in new entrepreneurial initiatives.

ALTIS has always stood out for its vocation to embrace the complexity of sustainability challenges and to foster the development of culture and knowledge through scientific research on frontier issues. In ALTIS's vision, sustainability consists of a dynamic path of evolution of businesses in taking into account their impacts in a broad and integral sense, combining the striving for economic results with concern for the natural environment and the enhancement of people and society. Organizations committed to generating change in this direction can find in ALTIS a companion in the journey of developing the skills needed to embrace sustainability for long-term value creation.

In fact, the originality of the High School is evident in its articulated educational proposal, which, together with the continuous academic research activity (basic and applied), carried out in close collaboration with businesses and organizations, leads ALTIS to be a point of reference for those who believe that the real change of the economy and society in the direction of sustainability starts from the person and the enhancement of his or her abilities.


ALTIS Galaxy

From the orientation and research and training activities of ALTIS, a number of independent initiatives have sprung up over the years, interconnected through effective collaboration:

  • Sustainability Makers - the professional network, the Italian association of professionals who plan and implement sustainability strategies and projects, in companies and other organizations.
  • E4Impact, the foundation dedicated to the creation and development of sustainable businesses in Africa through training services, market access and funding opportunities to Impact Entrepreneurs in more than 25 countries on the Continent.
  • ALTIS Advisory Società Benefit, a spin-off of the Università Cattolica that offers support services to economic actors to improve their sustainability, through the oversight of environmental, social and governance dimensions, accompanying them on a structured and integrated path in business.
  • A network of more than 8,000 Alumni who continue to recognize in the Alta Scuola an opportunity for personal and professional growth as well as a privileged sphere for their own life-long learning path.