Cannatelli Benedetto

Professore associato di imprenditorialità presso l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore



Benedetto CannatelliBenedetto Cannatelli è Professore associato e ricercatore sulle tematiche di imprenditorialità e strategia aziendale presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Inolre, è fondatore di Railroad Brewing Co. e Strada Ferrata, rispettivamente birrificio e distilleria artigianali.

I suoi principali progetti di ricerca si concentrano sugli effetti dell'Open Innovation sulle strategie di espansione delle social ventures. Svolge inoltre attività di docenza in corsi per studenti internazionali, tra cui i programmi IES, Euromed e MBA. Nel 2009 è stato Visiting Scholar presso il Lester Center for Entrepreneurship and innovation, HAAS School of Business, UC Berkeley. Nel 2010 è stato Visiting International Scholar presso il Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Farmer School of Business, Miami University.

È membro della Faculty dell'Executive MBA di ALTIS e 24ORE Business School e del Master in Strategic Management for Global Business.



Benedetto is a researcher in Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Founder of Railroad Brewing Co. and Strada Ferrata, two companies of the brewing and distillery sector. He is actively involved as researcher at ALTIS, the Graduate School of Business and Society at the same University. His main research interests is Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management. In 2009 he was visiting scholar at the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HAAS School of Business , UC Berkeley, CA. In 2010 and 2011 he was international visiting scholar at the Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Farmer School of Business, Miami University, Oxford, OH. In 2013 he co-founded the Railroad Brewing Company.

He teaches at our Executive MBA and the international programme Master in Strategic Management for Global Business.

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